Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A voice in the wilderness: A call for safer cars predating Ralph Nader's "Unsafe at Any Speed"

Presented to the club by Roger B. Linscott in early 1965. Roger was, for many years, the associate editor of The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield's daily newspaper. He won the Pulitzer Prize for his editorial writing in 1973, and died in 2008 at the age of 88, having been a member of the Club since 1950.

This paper predates by about nine months Ralph Nader's seminal book on the same subject, Unsafe at Any Speed, which was published November 29, 1965, but could well have served as an introduction to it.

Like most newspaper offices, ours is a regular port of call for a large and varied assortment of cranks and crackpots who fancy us to be the appropriate mouthpiece for their maledictions against mankind or who hope to find in us a willing vehicle for promoting whatever harebrained schemes they wish to foist upon the public. Some of these earnest but offbeat promoters can be put down as harmless eccentrics, and some are quite obviously psychopaths who belong in institutions.

In the latter category is one local character who, because I made the mistake of listening sympathetically when he first visited the Eagle, has made me his particular confidant. He comes to the office perhaps once a month, and his message is always the same: He is convinced that the Hotel Wendell building is top-heavy, and is in imminent danger of falling down with catastrophic consequences. Moreover he feels there is a conspiracy among our leading citizens to conceal this danger from the public, and he suspects that the conspirators are determined to silence him by fair means or foul.

Ordinarily I have an extremely difficult time easing this fellow out of my office, especially as he has a rather wild-eyed, hysterical manner which makes one hesitant to treat him brusquely. But on his most recent visit, two weeks ago, the problem took care of itself. Midway in his peroration he suddenly stopped short, announced that he had forgotten to put a nickel in his parking meter, and bolted out the door.

In my relief at being rid of him so easily, it was some moments before an obvious thought struck me. This man, a certifiable nut with clearly paranoid tendencies, owned an automobile and was apparently licensed to drive it on the highways and byways of the commonwealth. This bothered me. But what bothered me even more was that when I mentioned the incident to several other people, it seemed to bother them not one whit. The typical reaction was a chuckle and a shrug of the shoulders, accompanied by a remark to the effect that if all the persons unfit to drive were ruled off the road there might be precious few licensed drivers left.

More recently another episode brought home to me once again the extraordinary indifference of the average person toward the problems to highway safety. On Christmas Eve an elderly Lee (Mass.) couple and their daughter were killed in a singularly gruesome two-car accident on the Pittsfield-Lenox Road. The driver of the car which the police said caused the accident submitted in district court to findings of wet driving, drunkenness, operating to endanger and driving an unregistered car. He was sent to Northampton State Hospital for observation on the basis of testimony that he had been under mental treatment for some 20 years.

But the far more remarkable aspect of this case was the disclosure that this person had been issued a Massachusetts driver's license in November, six weeks before the fatal accident, notwithstanding the fact that during the previous four months he had received four district court convictions for motor vehicle violations, all of which had been reported to the Registry of Motor Vehicles, and had been involved in two other accidents which had also been duly reported. Wondering how a person could obtain a license with this record, I inquired of the Registry and was told that he had failed to mention his mental record or court convictions on the application form, and that it is not customary for the Registry to check its [own] files in order to verify an applicant's statements before issuing a license.

Once again what bothered me most about the episode was not the laxity of the licensing procedure so much as the evident indifference to the laxity. The Registry official I talked to seemed quite unconcerned. When I was moved a few days later to comment rather caustically on it in the editorial column there was no evident public response. Individuals with whom I discussed it shrugged it off as neither surprising nor particularly shocking. Several of them pointed out to me that it is no more disturbing than the Registry's longstanding practice of restoring suspended licenses at the request of the offending motorist's legislator — a practice which is universally engaged in by even the most conscientious legislators and apparently condoned by their constituents.

My point in citing these two episodes is not to indict the Registry of Motor Vehicles, negligent though it often is, but rather to illustrate the curious ambivalence of the American public's attitude toward carnage on the highways. Outwardly, of course, we all deplore it, we preach against it, we write editorials about it, we heartily endorse safety campaigns designed to make us more aware of it; but we don't actually want to do much about it. We talk about the need for stricter licensing and for periodic re-examination, but we don't demand it with any vigor. We pontificate on the evils of driving after drinking; yet an astonishing number of otherwise responsible and law-abiding citizens think nothing of driving home from a cocktail party after four or five drinks. We complain about lax enforcement of speed limits, which most of us freely violate, and we complain about inadequate policing while denying to state and local police establishments the funds they need to do even a rudimentary job of highway patrolling. We in this room tonight represent, I expect, a singularly sober, staid and law-abiding segment of our community. Yet I venture to say there is not one of us does not on occasion violate the motor vehicle laws of the commonwealth, and without any discernible pangs of conscience. The motor car has made scofflaws of the best of us.

This ambivalent attitude is all the more extraordinary when one considers the truly staggering dimensions of the highway safety problem in both human and economic terms. In 1962 the highway death toll passed the 40,000 mark for the first time in U.S. history; in 1963 it reached an all-time high of 43,000, and although final figures are not yet available, it is believed that the record for 1964 was even worse [Editor's note: it was 45,645], despite the fact that our doctors are steadily becoming more proficient in keeping accident victims alive. Moreover, the traffic deaths tell only part of the story; for every person killed, 125 are non-fatally injured, and the total number injured on the highways each year is climbing almost astronomically. In 1963 alone, it is estimated, more than 4.5 million Americans were injured on the highways, and approximately 200,000 of these suffered permanent disabilities. In a sense, the most tragic aspect of all this is that by far the heaviest death and disability toll is in the younger age brackets — particularly males from 15 to 30 years old. Today more young people die from automobile accidents than from any other cause.

The byproducts in economic and legal terms are almost equally awesome. In 1958, when the highway toll was considerably less than today's, the National Safety Council estimated that traffic accidents cost the nation approximately $1.5 billion in lost wages, $1.8 billion in property damage, $150 million in medical expenses, and $1.7 billion in overhead insurance outlays — a total of about $5.3 billion in direct costs. In legal terms, highway accidents are making a mockery of our ideal of speedy justice by clogging court calendars to an increasing degree. In Massachusetts, which is not untypical, motor vehicle cases now comprise nearly two-thirds of all jury trials, notwithstanding the fact that the great majority of cases never actually go to trial. As an unhappy footnote to this it should also be observed that our claims procedure tends inevitably to be unfair in practice, however just [it is] in theory. Claims for minor injuries are generally settled quickly and often overgenerously, while payments for those who are killed or seriously injured on the highways are usually long delayed and relatively inadequate, especially in the case of low-income families which are economically in no position to hold out for a more favorable settlement.

I could go on for many, many pages citing other manifestations of the highway safety problem, but that is not the point of this paper. The one aspect of the problem that every one readily agrees upon is that its dimensions are staggering; where agreement is conspicuously lacking is on the question of what can be done about it. And here we find an astonishing thing. Although the automobile has been with us for more than 70 years and has been a major factor in our mortality rates for more than half that period, traffic safety has been the subject of an almost negligible amount of consistent, systematic research. In the words of Daniel P. Moynihan, former chairman of the New York Traffic Safety Policy Committee and now Assistant Secretary of Labor [later U.S. Senator 1976-2000; note also that Ralph Nader was an assistant to Moynihan at the time], "Automobile injuries reached epidemic proportions a generation ago — yet our efforts to control the problem are still largely based on a hodge-podge of suppositions and inferences derived from assumptions we have never verified and which, more significantly, we have never tried to verify."

Any systematic approach to the problem, it seems to me, should begin with a recognition of the two basic variables in the traffic equation: the individual driver, and the vehicle. Obviously both are closely interrelated; but considering them separately gives some useful clues as to what approaches are feasible and what ones are not.

At present the bulk of our effort to control traffic mortality is directed toward the first variable: the driver. On the face of it this seems a reasonable place to concentrate our efforts, since most accidents obviously involve a degree of human failure — but in practice the results have been pathetically unsatisfactory.

We have tried, and on a massive scale, the technique of exhortation. Enormous amounts of time, energy and money have been expended on traffic safety campaigns. Billboards and newspapers and radio stations have preached the message endlessly; the National Safety Council has spent millions promoting the slogan approach — "Slow Down and Live" — "The life you save may be your own!" — and has received abundant publicity for its periodic lugubrious predictions as to how many deaths and injuries will result from every holiday weekend.

Yet the exhortations have been largely ignored by a motoring public which, as I noted earlier, is shockingly indifferent to the problem, except on the discussion level. Why this indifference, this immunity to exhortation? Basically, it would seem, for two reasons: first, the average person's firm belief that he himself is a superior driver and that the exhortations are not for him but for everybody else; and second, that most Americans are incurable optimists, to who the prospect of death or serious injury on the highway seems remote and impersonal. You can tell him — quite accurately — that 50 percent of the cars now on the road will be involved at some time or another in an injury or death-producing crash, but he will remain sublimely confident that his car is one of the 50 percent who won't be.

Along with exhortation, we have tried, of course, to control the human element in the traffic safety equation through police action and criminal prosecution — to the tune, in fact, of some 20 million traffic court cases a year in the United States. Obviously this has an enormous deterrent effect, and would have a great deal more if traffic laws were enforced more efficiently and adjudicated more sternly. But just as obviously, the threat of punishment has not served to reduce the dimensions of the problem. The most one can say for it is that the situation would presumably be rather worse without it. Indeed, I would even be hard put to verify my statement that more rigorous enforcement of the motor vehicle laws would necessarily have any greatly beneficial effect, for the sober truth is that there are many indications to the contrary — such as the much-publicized crackdown on speeding which then-Governor Ribicoff instituted in Connecticut in 1955 and which was followed by an appreciable increase, rather than the hoped-for decrease, in the number of accidents and injuries per passenger-mile.

There are several plausible reasons why the threat of punishment has proved incapable of halting the increase in highway accidents. One is that traffic laws, of necessity, often violate the precept that a criminal law should be clear and comprehensible — such terms as "reasonable speed" and "all reasonable care" are vague to the point of virtually inviting violation and inequitable enforcement. Another problem is that accidents are often the consequence of inadvertent factors — an icy stretch of pavement, for example, or a brake failure — which do not involve any infractions of the law. And finally, disregard for traffic laws on the part of many otherwise responsible citizens tends to be encouraged by the arbitrariness with which they are often enforced, the haphazard fashion in which punishments are meted out, and the notorious ease with which tickets can be fixed in most localities.

Another aspect of the attempt to deal with the human element in the highway safety equation is through driver education — and here the results have been even less satisfactory than in the field of enforcement. Driver training programs are based upon the assumption that technical skill in operating a car decreases the likelihood of accidents — but unfortunately a growing body of evidence indicates that personality traits and emotional factors are far more important elements in one's driving performance — and these are elements which no amount of driver training is likely to change. There is, to be sure, some favorable correlation between driver training and accident rates — but this is probably attributable to the fact that the type of person who takes driver training is less likely to have an accident in the first place, and vice versa. Indeed, there are some skeptics who suggest that high school driver training courses may actually increase accident rates by encouraging teenagers to obtain their licenses earlier than they would otherwise.

The same complications which tend to nullify the value of driver training in the highway safety problem also militate against the effectiveness of stricter licensing requirements. As I remarked at the beginning of this paper, we can and should be much tougher than we are in ruling obviously unfit drivers off the road. But I would be the last to suggest that this is any sort of cure-all. For one thing, very few emotionally unstable drivers can be readily identified as such; "accident prone-ness," insofar as it exists, is usually detectable only after the damage has been done. For another thing, the political obstacles to a really stringent licensing policy are probably insuperable in a society where a driver's license is for most persons virtually an economic necessity, popularly regarded less as a privilege than as a cherished right. And finally, physical impediments are not really a major factor in the total accident picture. Statistically, after all, our worst drivers are young men in the prime of life who are both mentally and physically fit.

So much for the human factor in the highway equation. What I have tried to show in the preceding paragraphs is that, whatever the benefits derived from our heavy concentration on this facet of the problem, they have not served to bring the problem under control. Nor are they likely to, given the enormity of the problem, the complexity of the psychological and political obstacles, and the sheer impossibility of changing human nature to any significant degree. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that if the driver were the only factor in the equation we would have to throw up our hands and resign ourselves to a continuing rise in highway casualty rates and all of the vast problems which they bring in their wake.

Happily, however, the picture is not that bleak. For along with the driver, the other major variable in the highway equation is the vehicle; and here we are dealing with an inanimate and relatively tractable element. If we can't do much to make drivers safer, we can at least do a great deal to make automobiles safer. If we can't prevent accidents, we can at least make them far less costly in both human and economic terms by better automotive design.

Our failure to have done so long ago is, in my opinion, a tremendous indictment of the automotive industry and, more particularly, the American motoring public, which after all has the last word in how automobiles are designed. A recent issue of Traffic Safety magazine quoted Col. John Strapp of the Air Force as saying that "the automobile industry is the only one whose product can still be sold after killing thousands and injuring millions of its customers every year." [Editor's comment: Except for the tobacco industry.] Several months ago Prof. J. Douglas Brown of Princeton University, addressing a national convention of engineers, put the point in the form of a question: "If engineers can design space ships to go to the moon, why can't they design a safer automobile?"

The answers, of course, is that they can. A vastly safer car. Some engineers estimate that if all cars incorporated the safety features that have already been developed and proven, the number of annual highway fatalities could be cut from 40,000-plus to 10,000 or less, with a proportionate reduction in serious injuries. And this without adding prohibitively to the cost of the product.

There are two aspects to the safety design problem. First are improvements designed to help prevent accidents from happening. Second, and even more important, are what might be called "fail-safe" features designed to keep bodily injuries to a minimum when a collision occurs, the car stops short, and the passengers keep traveling at the speed of impact until they are stopped by the instrument panel, the steering wheel, the windshield or, possibly, the pavement via an open door.

In the first category — accident prevention, the faults of most present-day automobiles are numerous and well-documented. To cite but a few: the heavy emphasis on "low silhouette," which often seriously impairs the driver's vision and could be, but isn't, partially remedied by vertically adjustable seats; or the widespread use of tinted windshields, which are promoted as a deterrent to daytime glare but are actually a safety hazard because of the dangerous extent to which they impair nighttime vision; or the non-standardized and generally inefficient arrangement of instrument panels, often compounded by a hood over the panel so that the instruments can not be read without taking one's eyes off the road for longer than desirable; or the tendency to excessively insulated and cushioned interiors which cut the driver off from the "feel" of the movement of the car, from his sense of speed, and from sensing an incipient skid or roll; or the failure to provide as standard equipment on most models independent braking systems for front and rear wheels, so that if one fails the car can still be brought to a stop.

In the second category — the "fail-safe" features designed to minimize injuries when crashes do occur — the deficiencies of most contemporary cars are even more numerous. Again, to mention only a few, we find doors without safety locks, which fly open on impact; cardboard-like roof structures designed for appearance rather than strength; poorly anchored seats which easily become dangerous missiles; protruding dashboard control knobs and door and window knobs, all sources of lethal injury; jutting metal dashboards and chisel-like rearview mirrors; and, of course, non-collapsible steering wheels neatly designed to impale the hapless driver. An orthopedic surgeon writing in the American Medical Association Bulletin recently remarked that to speak of the interior design of most automobiles as "faulty" is "actually a gross understatement, as there is almost no feature of the interior design that provides for safety. It is surprising anyone escapes from an automobile without serious injury."

The deficiencies are not, of course, limited to the interior. Most bumpers today are principally ornamental — so much so, indeed, that several makes and models actually put bumper guards on their bumpers. Yet a tough, energy-absorbing bumper of hydraulic design could have an enormously healthy effect in reducing the rate of deceleration on impact, and bumper-resistant frames along the sides of a car can provide vitally important resistance to lateral impact. From the viewpoint of the pedestrian — who is the victim of almost half of the automobile fatalities in urban areas today — the exterior design of the typical Detroit dreadnaught is particularly menacing. According to one standard textbook on preventive medicine:

If one were to attempt to produce a pedestrian-injuring mechanism, one of the most theoretically efficient designs which might be designed would closely approach that of the front end of some present-day automobiles. When the pedestrian is struck in a typical encounter, the bumper fractures the lower leg; the needless headlight hood or other protuberances rupture the liver, spleen or kidney; and commonly, his head strikes an ornament or outside mirror o the car's hood, causing a punctured skull. Then, he is often thrown against the windshield, where he is likely to meet a passenger on the way out.
In any event, it can be stated as unassailable fact that death and injury on the highways can be drastically reduced — perhaps by as much as 75 percent — through better automotive design and by better packaging of the driver and passengers. The obvious question is why hasn't this been done? The answer, quite simply, is that Detroit is in the business of selling automobiles, not selling safety. It tailors its product to the marketplace; and the American auto buyer is primarily interested in appearance and power, not safety. One industry spokesman estimated that "less than 3 percent of new car buyers look under the hoods, and fewer still ask questions as to construction or reliability." Another spokesman — the top safety official of Chrysler — has likened autos to "women's hats, which must have a special attractiveness that inevitably leads to compromises with function and safety." The result is that vast sums are spent on automobile styling, while (relatively speaking) nickels and dimes go for safety engineering. And this, of course, suits the industry's short-run profit goals very well; for, as one observer has remarked, "the industry is built on calculated, non-functional obsolescence — the appeal of the new color, the new gimmick, the new silhouette, the added horsepower or wheel base or wheel track. What else is it that induces a motorist to turn in his '63 model for a '64 or a '65?"

And in all candor, it must be added that the auto industry has not been at all hesitant about catering unabashedly to the frivolous and often dangerous tastes of the marketplace. If the public is overly enchanted with excessive speed and horsepower, it is certainly part of the result, as well as the cause, of the industry's excessive emphasis on these factors in its promotion. Consider, for example, this piece of copy from a magazine advertisement: "All new! All muscle! All glamor! That's the '63 Buick Wildcat! American's only luxury sports car ...  with an almost neurotic urge to get going. Very definitely for the sportsminded male and his equally adventurous mate. There's a Wildcat at your dealer's just rarin' for someone like you to give it a brisk workout." Or this advertising headline: "Pontiac's new, big-bore Strato-streak V-8 with a terrific thrust of 227 blazing horsepower." Or the two-page magazine ad showing a long blurred streak of color and the caption: "9.1 seconds ago this Plymouth was standing still." Or consider some of the names which Detroit gives to its various models in order to suggest speed, power and danger: Thunderbird, Spring, Comet, Meteor, Rocket, Tempest, Fury, F-85, Dart, Lancer, Sting Ray. These, one might justly suspect, are not names selected by an industry eager to convert the public to the idea of safer and more sensible transportation.

It is true, of course, that the industry has made some concessions to safety in response to its critics. All cars now come equipped with anchorage for seat belts, for example; and some cars make available such features as padded dash boards and even collapsible steering columns. But here, two points must regretfully be noted. First, the provision for seat belts was the result not of any initiative in the auto industry but rather of state legislation compelling it — legislation which the industry initially opposed with considerable vigor. Second, the other safety features which have been introduced in recent years are almost all optional extras rather than standard equipment and in many cases fall short of reasonable safety standards in performance, being designed more to give the appearance of safety than to ensure it. Meanwhile, to quote another critic, the industry goes right on designing cars capable of going 140 miles per hour, even with the knowledge that as cars are presently designed, no one would come out alive from a 40-mile-an-hour crash into a barrier."

So much for the indictment. What is the remedy? In the absence of any concerted public demand for a safe automobile, is there any likelihood that the industry will regulate itself in this respect — will it make safety a matter of primary concern regardless of the vicissitudes of the marketplace?

I think not, and most persons who have studied the problem more exhaustively seem to agree. the auto industry is so intensely competitive that even if the manufacturers were genuinely eager to subordinate style and appearance to more sensible considerations they could not afford to add to the cost of their cars for the sake of safety without risking disastrous consequences in the frantic competition for the sale.

What, then, is the answer? Like many others, I believe — and now I belatedly come to the main point of this paper — that the only sensible and realistic answer is for the federal government to establish and enforce safety standards in automobile design, just as it has long established and enforced safety standards in the design of trains and aircraft. And lest anyone protest that this is a socialistic notion, I would point out that passenger cars are the only form of interstate travel which is not regulated by the federal government for purposes of safety.

That regulation of auto safety would be well within the constitutional authority of the federal government is beyond dispute. On this score, it is relevant to recall that some years ago a number of deaths caused by the suffocation of children in abandoned refrigerators cuased Congress to pass — over initial opposition from the manufacturers — a law requiring refrigerators to be equipped with a safety device enabling them to be easily opened from the inside. And this notwithstanding the fact that only 39 deaths had been attributed to this cause during the previous three years. The vastly greater justification for safety regulation of a product which kills more than 40,000 persons a year hardly need be pointed out. In the case of the railroads, the death toll among passengers and, particularly, train crews, was a national scandal until the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act gave the federal government the power to require the installation of two basic safety devices — air brakes and the automatic coupler — which had long been available but had not been voluntarily adopted by the industry. In the case of aircraft, private as well as commercial, stringent federal regulation of safety standards has long been taken for granted, with highly salutary results.

Necessarily, federal promulgation of automobile safety standards would have to be accompanied by an etensive and continuing program of safety research, comparable to the research programs that have long been carried out by the federal government in other areas of public health. In more than half a century of experience with the motor car we have acquired surprisingly little firm knowledge about how to make it a less deadly product, largely because we have made no massive effort to do so. But i would submit that the grim and growing highway toll makes it more clear every day that such an effort is long overdue. The idea of federal regulation of automotive safety standards may sound radical today. But a generation hence I think we will be astonished that it took so long to come about.

Editor's note: While it took a few more years after this paper was written for the highway death rates to begin declining, we think Roger would be pleased to learn that in 2009, the death toll on U.S. highways, 33,808, was the lowest in more than 60 years, and that 2010 is on track to come in even lower. More impressively, the 2009 death rate was 1.13 per 100 million vehicle miles traveled, compared with 5.39 in 1964, just before this paper was written. In absolute number, the peak year for fatalities was 1972 with 55,589, but even then the rate per 100 million vehicle miles had dropped to 4.40. A rate below 1 per 100 million now seems possible, perhaps even in 2010 or 2011.

However, it's interesting to note that even in 1965, when viewed in the context of total miles driven, the automotive death rate, at about 5 per 100 million vehicle miles, was far lower than it had been historically. In the early 1920s, when vehicle-mile records begin, the rate was more than 20 per 100 million vehicle miles; in the 1930s it gradually dropped from 15 to about 11; in 1946 it fell below 10 for the first time. (Data source — PDF link)

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

The silent language of the star

Photo by StarrGazr, used under Creative Commons
Presented to the Club by Albert Easton in April, 1974

We live in an age where the eye is constantly bombarded by visual stimuli. The survival of a television producer, as well as some very important economic results to a number of people, depends on his being able to dazzle the eye of the viewer to a greater extent than his competitors for the viewer's time.

Thus, it should come as a surprise, perhaps, that in our house on a certain night in January, and I suspect our house was not alone in this respect, the family was not to be found at its usual place before the TV set. Instead, they were crowded around the southeast windows watching, at a distance of about three miles, that part of a display of pyrotechnics which was not obscured by South Mountain. To this enduring fascination which fireworks seem to hold for the human imagination, I would like to turn our attention tonight.

Fireworks are usually considered to be any combination of chemicals capable of combustion without necessarily obtaining oxygen from the atmosphere, and intended primarily for either noise or visual effects arising from that combustion. The first fireworks, then, by this definition, were probably those used in China in the eleventh century, A.D. Note that this definition rules out the earlier use of what was called "Greek Fire" in Byzantium around A.D. 676, where the visual and audible effects were secondary to the primary goal of setting fire to the enemy.

It is interesting, however, to compare the formula for Greek Fire with that for the Chinese fireworks of four centuries later. Greek Fire consisted of rosin, sulfur, bitumen, and (almost certainly) saltpeter, although the early formulas do not mention it. This mixture was rammed into a copper tube and ignited, the resulting spurt of fire directed for military purposes. Although the two may have arisen independently, it is not unreasonable to hypothesize a historical connection with the Chinese fireworks reported by Marco Polo to have been used for amusement, not military purposes, and which consisted of powdered charcoal, sulfur and saltpeter, rammed into a tube of bamboo. Making allowances for the different materials native to the two regions, the formulas are about as close as they could be.

Saltpeter is a key ingredient in both formulas, since firework devices will not work properly unless they have some means of obtaining oxygen other than from the air. It seems curious that the ancient formulas for Greek Fire do not mention it, but speculation suggests two possible reasons for this. First, it may have been that the true formula was a well kept military secret, and the one essential ingredient was deliberately left out by the recorder. It also seems possible that the ingredient bitumen, which even today is not a well defined mineral chemically, consisted in some part of potassium nitrate, the principal constituent of saltpeter, and about the only good oxidizing agent for fireworks purposes that occurs naturally in any reasonable proportions.

When the technology of pyrotechnics reached Europe from China, it was the military potential, of course, that appealed immediately to Europeans. Fireworks for amusement purposes do not seem to have had much existence independent of the military, although it was not uncommon to celebrate a victory with a fireworks display. At first, these displays almost certainly consisted of a firing off of some surplus shells unexpended in the battle, but they later came to be quite elaborate, and specially designed for visual effect. Special military pyrotechnicians were retained for the purposes of designing victory displays, although I'm sure there was no objection if these pyrotechnicians discovered, in the course of designing a victory display, an effect that was also militarily useful. It might seem at first that retaining a technician to help in celebrating a victory before the battle has been fought is somewhat bold, but if so, this is a boldness not unknown to politicians in our own time.

The art of fireworks construction as carried on in our own times (and there has been very little change since the late 19th century) consists of finding ways to combine and control the timing and direction of a relatively limited number of basic fireworks effects. The first, and perhaps most important of these effects is the force that arises from expanding gases when ignition takes place in a confined space, and for this purpose, the centuries have permitted very little improvement on the classic combination of charcoal, sulfur and saltpeter, which is still effective enough that it is commonly used today, since the ingredients are relatively inexpensive and easy to obtain. There is some advantage in substituting a metal such as powdered aluminum or magnesium for the material being burned, and potassium chlorate for the oxidizing agent, but these ingredients are hard to handle in some ways, and the relatively slight improvement over the classic formula is often considered not to justify the extra expense.

The second important fireworks effect is sparks, which may be obtained from the classic mixture, but here substantial improvement may be gained by adding a powdered metal. Iron will generate large bright yellow sparks, and the intensely bright light generated by the burning of powdered magnesium or aluminum needs no description to most of those here.

The final important effect for visual fireworks displays is the colored fire effect. Here the classical mixture leaves much to be desired. The combination of charcoal, sulfur and saltpeter burns with a dull yellow light, not unlike a wood fire, and except as noted for sparks, it is not often used as the colored portion of a fireworks device. A huge variety of colored fire recipes exists, usually relying on a metallic salt to impart color to the basic mixture, Thus, substituting strontium nitrate for the potassium nitrate leads to red fire, addition of boric acid leads to green fire, etc. Usually, these colored fire combinations do not burn quite as well as the basic mixture, and they are always more expensive, and therefore used only when necessary and where they will be seen.

About six basic fireworks types result from a combination of these basic effects:

  1. Stars are basically just bits of colored fire. In the elaborate commercial displays stars may be used as the terminal effect of some other type such as a rocket or shell, or they may be arranged to spell words or show some symbol of the celebration such as a flag. 

  2. Shells involve a charge placed in a hollow tube with the force resulting from ignition used to propel some sort of payload into the sky. An important distinguishing characteristic of the shell is that the charge itself is not propelled, but remains in the tube. 

  3. Roman candles are similar to shells, in that a retained charge propels a payload, but distinguished by the fact that the payload in this case is an already ignited star. (The payload in a shell is controlled by a fuse that does not ignite it until sometime after it is aloft.) 

  4. Rockets depend on the expanding gases in a charge to propel the charge; and sometimes a payload as well, into the sky. 

  5. Fountains are basically rockets pointed toward the ground, so that the shower of sparks is propelled into the air. Usually the sparking power is improved by the addition of some powdered metal. 

  6. Pinwheels are rockets mounted on a revolving wheel so that the propelling force and shower of sparks are resolved in a circular direction. As with fountains, powdered metal sparks are a usual addition to enhance the visual effect. 

From a very early time in their history, fireworks have suffered from what we would call today "a bad press" — sometimes, I must admit, with complete justification. In the 1930s, it began to become common to make fireworks for private consumption that relied on much more powerful explosives than those involved in the classic formulas, without adequate control or consideration of the additional dangers involved. Thus, it was possible to purchase (and is today in some parts of the country) a device resembling a firecracker that contains dynamite, gun cotton, or some other modified form of nitroglycerine, or even mercury fulminate as its primary charge. Also there has been considerable use of fireworks by children and others whose judgment is unreliable. Considering that the ingredients, and in some respects, the effects are the same, it makes no more sense to put a roman candle in the hands of a five year-old than a pistol. Given the reasonably mature judgment that is required, say, to use a rifle or a table saw safely, and given properly concocted and manufactured fireworks, pyrotechnics does not have to be a dangerous business.

Be that as it may, fireworks have, for some time, been subject to considerable legal restriction. A 1731 colonial Rhode Island law forbade the “unnecessary firing of guns, pistols, squibs and other fireworks." Pennsylvania adopted a similar law in 1751, and the Massachusetts law on the subject dates from at least 1836, although it has been strengthened at least once since then.

All told, 42 states and the District of Columbia now have laws restricting or prohibiting the use of possession of fireworks within their borders.About fifteen of these, including California and the District of Columbia, permit the use of fountains and stars, but prohibit the other types. The Massachusetts law on the subject is a classic example of legal overkill, and bears quoting for that reason: “No person shall sell, or keep, or offer for sale, or use, explode, or cause to explode, any combustible or explosive composition or substance, or any combination of such compositions or substances, or any other article, which was prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation..." If I interpret that literally, it means that if I light a match, and decide to watch the flame instead of lighting my cigar, not only am I in trouble, but so is the tobacco store that gave me the matches.

I want to conclude this with a consideration of some of the psychological factors that make fireworks appeal to us, but before I do, and perhaps by way of illustration, I want to recount some of my personal experiences with fireworks. When I was fifteen, my parents indulgently permitted me to mantain a chemistry lab in a spare room in the basement of our house. The lab started out with honest and honorable intentions, and I did learn a lot of chemistry as a result. Chemlcal experiments fall into two categories, however, those that are interesting enough to repeat, and those that are not. Even today I have no desire to again observe the fact that litmus paper turns blue in the presence of a base, and due consideration for the limited attention span of a 15 year-old boy makes it easy to see why I soon became sated with experiments of that type.

For that reason,those expermments which were repeated tended to be those with the more spectacular effects, and I began concentrating more and more on fireworks. At first, these were confined to the very limited formulas which could be set off in the lab, but gradually I began to increase the quantity of the ingredients to the point where it was necessary to make use of the main part of the basement to fully enjoy the effects. Finally, even that became inadequate. A surprisingly small quantity of fireworks materiel can make enough smoke to completely fill a fairly good-sized house, and my parents absol-

utely forbade the further detonation of fireworks indoors.

For that reason, I arrived at the penultimate event of my career as a juvenile fireworks manufacturer under some severe restrictions. It was a mi-April day in 1954, almost exactly 20 years ago, and the weather in the Hudson valley at that time of year tends to confine itself more or less to cold and unremitting rain — exactly the kind of weather absolutely prohibitive to an outdoor fireworks display. I had as my guest a contemporary fellow experimenter, and the two of us having recently perfected our manufacture of rockets, were attempting to adapt that knowledge to the manufacture of a roman candle. We developed several trial models, and began to give consideration to the search for a suitable testing ground. Clearly, both the house and the great outdoors were out of the question, but at the back of our yard was a large outbuilding, intended as a garage, but now used mainly for storage purposes. This, we concluded, if not the ideal spot, was at least adaptable for use as a test site.

We adapted it by opening the two swinging doors to their widest, and placing the roman candle on a table with the business end pointing out the open end of the garage.

It is unwise to be satisfied with a partial scientific education. Learned as we may have been in chemistry, we were ignorant, or at least forgetful, of the practical effects of Newton's first law of motion. The proto-roman candle turned into a rocket, and instead of firing balls out the door, it fired itself into a mattress at the closed end of the garage. Dousing the matress with water did not succeed in extinguishing the sparks, and that night the garage burned to the ground in a conflagration still quite well remembered in that neighborhood.

That was not quite the end, although it should have been. Ordered by my parents to rid myself of all chemicals and supplies in any way related to fireworks, I began searching for a buyer. To facilitate this, I included in the purchase price an offer to mix the ingredients purchased to the buyer's specifications, and on this basis, I was able to sell the entire quantity quite quickly. The buyer's specifications, in this case, happened to be that we would make a giant roman candle out of a well pipe that had been sunk in his yard, but had reached rock before it ever reached water. Our intent was to use up all the chemicals in such a way as to create a varied and memorable display. It was at least the latter, if not the former.

For reasons that are still not entirely clear to me the gigantic experiment did not go at all as we planned. After filling the pipe with the ingredients, we poured down a combination of chemicals that will ignite spontaneously in about 6o seconds, and drew back some distance to witness the display. It is fortunate that we did; in about 60 seconds there was a single tremendous roar, and the pipe spurted into the sky, spraying mud on all buildings in the vicinity, and leaving a crater about five feet wide and equally deep.

I never attempted such an ambitious experiment again. I hope that these anecdotes are useful in illustrating why fireworks have endured as human amusement in spite of danger and legal restriction, and even lately in spite of better endowed and more commercially profitable entertainment. I note several psychological elements that seem to me to explain the appeal.

First, and perhaps most basic, is the natural attraction that light has for humans, and all living things. For most of mankind's history combustion was the only source of light known to him, other than the astronomical bodies, most of which he showed his admiration for by literally worshipping. If this was the basic, and original element, it came to be joined by another, that of danger, and, more recently, outright prohibition. The same argument which holds that open availability of narcotic drugs would lessen their appeal can be applied to fireworks, although I would agree in both cases that human judgement cannot always be trusted to be the controlling factor in the avoidance of excesses. In fact, in my own case at least, I consider myself fortunate not to have been exposed to the temptation of open availability of fireworks any more than I have.
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The Club's historic membership roster, part V: members joining 1902-1912

Frederick Shurtleff Coolidge

This is the fifth post in a series on the historic membership roster of the Club. These posts may be updated as additional biographical information on the members is uncovered. Research by Martin C. Langeveld, incorporating research by Harold L. Hutchins for a paper given to the Club in 1993.

1902 (Note: No new members joined in 1901.)

Prof. T. Nelson Dale — 1846-1937; taught geology at Williams College from 1893 to 1902; prominent geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey from 1880 to 1920; author of an autobiography he intended to be published posthumously, but the manuscript remained in a box that was not examined until 60 years later. The book was published in 2009 as The Outcomes of the Life of a Geologist (Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences).

Rev. Henry Calkins — pastor of Pilgrim Memorial Church

Judge Charles Lovejoy Hibbard — son of Charles E. Hibbard, who joined the Club in 1886; born in 1871 in Iowa City, Iowa; educated as a lawyer; served as associate justice and justice of Central Berkshire District Court in Pittsfield; married Alice Paddock in 1887. His son, Stephen B. Hibbard, was a founding partner of Pittsfield law firm Cain, Hibbard & Myers.


Clark Harold Foster — Treasurer of W.W. Tillotson Manufacturing Co., "makers of fine cassimeres" (medium lightweight woolens) from 1902 to 1906; born in Hokah, Minn.; educated in Chicago public schools; from Pittsfield, he moved to Troy, N. Y. to become president and general manager of Tolhurst Machine Works.

Dr. Frederick Shurtleff Coolidge — 1865-1915; born in Boston Dec. 1865; graduated from Harvard with an A.B. in 1887 and from Harvard Medical School in 1890; president of his Harvard Class and president of the Hasty Pudding Club; founded the orthopedic department of Rush Medical College in Chicago. For health reasons he moved to to Saranac Lake, N. Y. in 1902 and then to Pittsfield, where he lived until 1913 before moving to New York City for treatment. In Pittsfield he was a founder of the Anti-Tuberculosis Association and founded the orthopedic clinic at the House of Mercy. His widow, Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge, founded the South Mountain Concerts in Pittsfield (as the Berkshire Music Festival), a progenitor of the Berkshire Symphonic Festival, which became the Tanglewood Music Festival. She also endowed the Coolidge Auditorium at the Library of Congress and commissioned such works as Bela Bartok's String Quartet No. 5, Benjamin Britten's String Quartet No. 1, and Aaron Copland's Appalachian Spring, as well as works by Poulenc, Ravel, Prokofiev, Schoenberg, Stravinsky, Webern and Bliss.

Rev. Addison Ballard — (1822-1914) Clergyman, educator, author. born in Farmington, Mass; graduated from Williams College in 1842; taught at Grand Rapids, Michigan and Hadley, Mass.; studied for the ministry; taught mathematics at Ohio University. On his 92nd birthday, October 18, 1914, he preached the Sunday morning sermon in the pulpit of First Church of Christ in Pittsfield. Died at the home of his son Harlan Hoge Ballard, who had joined the Club in 1886.


Samuel G. Colt — 1872-1955; graduated from Yale University in 1895; partner in the Richmond Iron Work; mechanical engineer with the Stanley Works; director of the Pittsfield Electric Company; founder of the Colt Insurance Agency.


Rev. Charles L. Leonard — pastor of the First Methodist Church


John Barker — lawyer and city clerk of Pittsfield; born in Pittsfield in 1878; graduated from Williams College in 1899; from Harvard Law School in 1902; served as Pittsfield city clerk from 1907 to 1910; city solicitor from 1917 to 1918; partnered in law with Milton B. Warner; Warner & Baker were counsel for Pittsfield Electric Co., Eaton, Crane & Pike, Berkshire County Savings Bank and Pittsfield Cooperative Bank.

Brace Whitman Paddock, M.D. — 1879-1935; graduated from Yale in 1900; graduated from Columbia Medical School; was on the staff of Roosevelt Hospital and Sloane Maternity Hospital; "an expert with the rifle and had a zest for big-game hunting in Alaska, Labrador and New Brunswick" (Columbia Alumni News, 1935).


Rev. Warren Seymour Archibald — Born in Boston in 1880; pastor of Pilgrim Memorial Church; graduate of Harvard Divinity School. After leaving Pittsfield, he served as minister of South Congregational Church in Hartford, Conn., from 1917 to 1954, one of the longest-serving ministers of that church; a chapel on the church's main floor is named after him.

Walter C. Kellogg — Ward 4 alderman in Pittsfield, lawyer

Rev. Payson E. Pierce — Pastor of South Congregational Church, Pittsfield; later pastor of First Congregational Church of Reading, Mass. (where he opened the church to "blazer-clad golfers and habited riders" for an 8:30 a.m Sunday service to accommodate "outings on Sundays" (The Rotarian, Nov. 1931)

William D. Wyman— First Vice-President and treasurer of Berkshire Life Insurance Company. In 1920, Wyman purchased from the Whittlesey family the house now known as the Thaddeus Clapp House; it was converted to apartments about 1930. Clapp was a member of the Club from 1870 until his death in 1890; the house was then purchased by Club member William Whittlesey in 1906, but he died later that year.


John Crawford Crosby — 1859-1943; born in Sheffield, Mass; graduated from Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. and Boston University School of Law; practiced law in Pittsfield beginning in 1892; member of the school committee 1884-1990; served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives 1886 to 1887 and the Massachusetts Senate 1888 to 1889; elected to the United States House of Representatives, serving from 1891 to 1893; elected mayor of Pittsfield, serving from 1894 to 1895; city solicitor from 1896 to 1900; justice of the Superior Court from 1905 to 1913; justice on the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court from 1913 to 1937; died in Pittsfield.

Judge Edward T. Slocum — probate judge, son of Edward Tinker Slocum, who joined the Club in 1882.


Rev. S. S. Seward — Swedenborgian Lutheran minister, lived at 205 Wendell Ave.; retired from pastorates in Delaware, New York and Detroit.

Joseph F. Titus — Treasurer, Berkshire Life Insurance Company; joined the company in 1911.

Rev. William Merriam Crane — born in 1880, graduated from Harvard University in 1902, ordained in 1907; pastor of the Richmond Congregational Church; Ph.D. in Semitic languages. Built a summer place called "Morning Face," where the Club met in June, 1915 for a summer meeting.

Arthur W. Eaton [Joined about this time] — President and treasurer of Eaton, Crane and Pike paper converting company, Church Street, Pittsfield; previously worked at the Hurlbut Paper Co. in South Lee.

John E. Keeler — employed at Berkshire Woolen Company.

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